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The fifth novel in the critically acclaimed Glenroy series by Steven Carroll, Miles Franklin-award-winning author. The fifth novel in the acclaimed Glenroy series, Forever Young is set against the tumultuous period of change and uncertainty that was Australia in 1977. Whitlam has lost the federal election, and things will never be the same again. Radicals have become conservatives, relationships are falling apart, and Michael is finally coming to accept that he will never be a rock and roll musician. An exploration of a society losing its idealism through the lens of a group of people yearning for the simplicities of the past, Forever Young is a powerfully moving work; simple, beautiful, affecting, with Carroll's particular rhythmic circularity leading readers gently but insistently to what is the heart of the book, the notion that 'nostalgia is not the longing for home or the past - it is the longing for youth itself.'

Forever Young

  • Steven Carroll
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