It starts as a simple New York City homicide, indistinguishable from hundreds of others in 1938- a spinster nurse is killed in her apartment; a suspect is caught and convicted. But Fintan Dunne, the P.I. lured into the case and driven by his conscience into unravelling the complex set-up that has put an innocent man on death row, soon finds this to be a murder with tentacles that stretch far beyond the crime scene - all the way to Nazi Germany. Following the case leads him into a murder conspiracy of a scope that defies imagination. Grim clouds are rolling over Berlin; plans for a coup are forming among a cadre of Wehrmacht officers in Berlin. Admiral Wilhelm Canaris, head of Military Intelligence, is gripped by paralysis over the choice he must make- either join the plotters in treason and violate every value he holds as an officer, or betray them to the Gestapo and forsake the country's last hope to avert utter destruction and centuries of shame. With no limits to Hitler's manic pursuit of territorial expansion, and his program of racial cleansing at the vanguard of a 'scientific' eugenics movement launched in America and Britain, the 'hour of the cat' looms. When Canaris receives an order to assist in a sinister, covert operation on foreign shores, his hour has come. Writing with a masterful command of fact and Fiction, Peter Quinn transports readers to a pre-war New York and Berlin brimming with atmosphere and consequence. Hour of the Catis a stunning achievement- suspenseful, memorable, and authentic.
Hour of the Cat
- Peter A. Quinn