WILL COMBINE BOOKS TO SAVE ON POSTAGE--SOFT COVER-- SLIGHT FOXING DUE TO AGE-NO TEARS OR INSCRIPTIONSYou have two days to pass your audition. You better pass it, feller. You're joining the circus. Ain't that the best news you ever got?"
Delivered by a trio of psychotic clowns, this ultimatum plunges Jamie into the horrific alternate universe that is the centuries-old Pilo Family Circus, a borderline world between Hell and Earth from which humankind?s greatest tragedies have been perpetrated. Yet in this place?peopled by the gruesome, grotesque, and monstrous?where violence and savagery are the norm, Jamie finds that his worst enemy is himself.
When he applies the white face paint, he is transformed into JJ, the most vicious clown of all. And JJ wants Jamie dead!
The Pilo family circus
- Will Elliott